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Forum Discussion

rensa's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

CLI commands are very slow

I love the 1P CLI! But I'm struggling with how long it takes for its commands to return. Commands like op signin and $(opget item [...] --fields password) (to inject a password into a larger command) take 10-15 seconds to run. I've recently moved from a previous laptop to a new one (both using WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 inside Windows 10) and am having the same problem.

1Password Version: 1.9.2 (CLI) / 7.7.810 (Windows)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04 / Windows 10 20H2
Sync Type: 1Password Cloud

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Hey rensa ,

    I'm not sure why is the signin command taking so long, but for other commands you can try and use the --cache flag to store the data on your RAM temporarily which might improve performance instead of reaching out to our servers for every command.

    In addition, I'd suggest trying to ping our servers or traceroute to them in order to figure out why it is taking so long to get a response from them.
    signin should be quite fast, and other commands should not take more than 3-5 seconds (if you only fetch one item, but if you are fetching entire vaults that might take 10-15 seconds or more).

  • rensa's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks @ag_yaron! I'll give that a go. Which servers specifically should I be tracerouting?

    These delays happen even when I'm just pulling a single password from the vault.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I'd start by whitelisting and see if that has any effect.

  • rensa's avatar
    New Contributor

    I was able to run traceroute, and that resolved in milliseconds, but tracepath starts going "no reply" and sitting around for 10-20 seconds before going "too many hops" after it gets away from local networks. I'm a little out of my depth here, though, to be honest!

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks for the update, rensa .

    To make sure we're on the same page, when you said:

    These delays happen even when I'm just pulling a single password from the vault.

    Which command are you running? For example, are you using op get item Amazon , or are you using op get item UuidOfItem --vault UuidOfVault ?
    The reason I'm asking is that the first example is very non-specific and will need to go over all of your vaults and items to find a possible match, which might take a long while if you have a lot of vaults and/or a lot of items in each vault. The 2nd example is very specific and should reduce fetching times drastically.

    I just want to make sure that the issue at hand is indeed a network related one and not a simple case of the CLI having to iterate through a lot of vaults and/or items to find a relevant result (which is normal behavior for the first example).

  • rensa's avatar
    New Contributor

    @ag_yaron No worries! I was originally doing op get item [item name] --fields password, but I've now tested adding --vault [vault uuid] and it doesn't seem to make a difference. About 5 seconds to retrieve a single password from a specified vault (just running op get item directly), or 15-20 seconds to retrieve two of them and inject them into a docker build command with:

    docker build --build-arg $(op get item [item 1] --fields password) --build-arg $(op get item [item 2] --fields password) myimage .

    (The build command takes about 1-2 seconds to start without any --build-arg flags that evaluate op get item.)

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks for the additional info, rensa .

    If you start your workflow with op list items --cache , and then add the --cache flag to any additional command you send, is there a noticeable difference in the time it takes?

    For example:

    1. op list items --cache
    2. op get item [item 1] --fields password --cache