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Forum Discussion

namiaro's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 months ago

Problem with signing in to Geforce Now with Google account with 2FA enabled on Nvidia account


I've noticed a problem when trying to sign in to Geforce Now using Google account with 2FA enabled on the Nvidia account (through Nvidia app or Firefox/Brave browser, behavior is the same). I've provided a screenshot - 1P correctly suggests saved item (there is OTP saved in it), but I'm not able to click on it with my mouse (I doesn't do anything). I'm forced to enter the OTP manually or copy it from 1P browser extension or 1P desktop app. Using Autofill from 1P browser extension also doesn't work.

1Password Nightly for Windows 8.10.38 (81038044)
Brave 1.69.122 Chromium 127.0.6533.57 x64 - 1Password Nightly 2.27.6
Firefox 129.0b8 x64 - 1Password 2.26.1
Windows 11 23H2 (22631.3880)

Thanks in advance for help. I'll provide more info if needed.

EDIT: Oops, wrong category, should be in Browsers instead of Desktop, sorry.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided

  • 1P_Evon's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hello, namiaro. Thank you for writing in.

    I'm sorry about the issue you're running into with 1Password. I tested Nvidia's website and haven't been able to recreate the same behaviour. Are there multiple one-time password fields in your Nvidia Login item?


  • namiaro's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hey 1P_Evon
    Thanks for the reply. There is only one one-time password field in the login item (see the pic below). The item was created automatically while creating Nvidia account. I've tried to create second (fresh) 1P item, but I'm not sure how to do this manually (with Google login). 1P doesn't seem to recognize OTP field when I click on it with right mouse button and then go with Save -> Login (there are only username and password fields.)