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Forum Discussion

drpbier's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Can't use the new Alfred 5 workflow due to CLI issue

Hi, I'm trying to run the CLI so that I can use the Alfred workflow with 1Password 8 for Mac. However it keeps telling me I'm using an old version despite installing the latest. The Alfred support admin asked me to run /usr/local/bin/op signin --force?
Terminal says:
iMac:~ davidbier$ /usr/local/bin/op signin --force
[ERROR] 2022/07/21 19:16:23 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied

The response was "You’ll have to ask 1Password about it. It’s their tool having the issue, which as you can attest happens even outside the Workflow. I did a quick search online and haven’t found anyone else affected with that exact problem."

This is over my head but I'm game...any idea?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: MacOS 12.4
Browser:_ Safari
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