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Forum Discussion

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Former Member
2 years ago

CLI cannot connect after a timeout period

I have been having a persistent issue on one of my Macs (a 2019 iMac) where the op command line tool (version 2.21.0) will work fine when I first login to the Mac App. It pops up a message to approve and it works as expected. However, after a timeout period of about 10 minutes, it prompts again but this time it returns the following error:

[ERROR] 2023/09/19 14:15:56 RequestDelegatedSession: cannot setup session. Please check the logs of the 1Password app.

When I look in the logs, I get the following:

INFO 2023-09-19T18:15:54.320 ThreadId(217) [swift] ProcessValidation.swift:560: validateProcessCodeSignatureHasMatchingTeamId(client:) Will validate remote process
ERROR 2023-09-19T18:15:54.326 ThreadId(217) [swift] ProcessValidation.swift:382: verifySignatureOfSelfMatchesSignature(of:) Code signature team id of client == ourselves: true
ERROR 2023-09-19T18:15:56.986 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(12)) [1P:op-device-key-storage/src/] ProtectingSecret(DeviceMissingEnclave)
ERROR 2023-09-19T18:15:56.986 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(12)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/] Failed to request delegated session for account XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: NoRefreshOrReauthAvailable

I don't get the same behavior on my MacBook Pro. It prompts me to use my finger lock to unlock which always works. My guess at this point is that the above error is because my iMac doesn't have finger lock ability so it runs out of ways to unlock even though it's still presenting me with the popup window from the Mac app. The only way to fix this is to choose Lock from the Mac app, then open the app again to unlock the app. After that is done, the next time I use op it prompts me in the Mac app and starts working again.

This isn't a show stopper as I have a workaround, but it is very frustrating and seems like a bug.

1Password Version: 8.10.15
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac 13.5.2
Browser: Not Provided

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