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Former Member
4 years agoDocker FindCredentialsUniqueKey
Server: (unable to get credentials and initialize API, retrying in 16s), Wrapped: (failed to FindCredentialsUniqueKey), Wrapped: (failed to loadCredentialsFile), Wrapped: (LoadLocalAuthV2 failed to credentialsDataFromBase64), illegal base64 data at input byte 21","timestamp":"2021-11-20T12:30:51.941476625Z","level":1}
Hi we use the credentials file provided when generating via the webinterface. Any idea why the connect api / docker returns this error?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
- Former Member
Make sure you decode the credentials before placing them in the secure directory. How are you running the secrets automation right now?
- Former Member
We deployed a docker locally (mac). Put the downloaded 1password-credentials.json in the same folder as the docker-compose.yaml, then docker-compose it. Next we are making an API call with the provided bearer token to localhost:8080 we get this error.
- Former Member
I just updated the path to the file to not be relative, this still doesnt work: Server: (unable to get credentials and initialize API, retrying in 30s), Wrapped: (failed to FindCredentialsUniqueKey), Wrapped: (failed to loadCredentialsFile), Wrapped: (LoadLocalAuthV2 failed to credentialsDataFromDisk), open /Users/MYUSERNAME/Downloads/1password/1password-credentials.json: no such file or directory","timestamp":"2021-11-22T05:42:22.576543509Z","level":1}
- Former Member
Short update. Went baremetal ubuntu 20.04 and installed the docker. Now I get errors which are in this community from 2017 "{"log_message":"(E) Server: (unable to get credentials and initialize API, retrying in 8s), Wrapped: (failed to FindCredentialsUniqueKey), Wrapped: (failed to loadCredentialsFile), Wrapped: (LoadLocalAuthV2 failed to credentialsDataFromDisk), open /home/opuser/.op/1password-credentials.json: permission denied","timestamp":"2021-11-23T04:58:09.53070424Z","level":1}"
Now back to running sync-api on MAC M1 1.3.1. that acutally started.
{"log_message":"(W) redacting potential unsafe error response, original error: Server: (txFunc returned error), Wrapped: (failed to Get), missing destination name templates_version in *db.account","timestamp":"2021-11-23T03:47:02.567482918Z","level":2,"scope": - Former Member
Try an OS like RancherOS which is build for docker containers. I got it running pretty quickly on there
- Former Member
Hi @sebmer - Sorry to hear you're having issues getting Connect running.
Could you describe how you're running the Connect API & Sync servers? Have you been using Docker Compose each time you encounter the errors?
From what I can see it looks like there's a minor configuration error with the file:
(LoadLocalAuthV2 failed to credentialsDataFromDisk), open /Users/MYUSERNAME/Downloads/1password/1password-credentials.json: no such file or directory
This looks like an issue with how you're mounting the file. Yourvolumes
key indocker-compose.yaml
should look something like this:yaml
- "<filepath_here>/1password-credentials.json:/home/opuser/.op/1password-credentials.json"
in this case would be /Users/MYUSERNAME/Downloads/1password
Once I hear back about how you're running the containers I can offer better advice.