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Forum Discussion

Nezteb's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Feature Request: Generate random passwords with CLI via dedicated command (e.g. `op generate`)

There are a few past threads about this:
- December 2020:
- March 2022:
- May 2022:

They never seemed to go anywhere. One suggestion was to use:

op item create --title='retrievable generated password' --category=password --generate-password=20,letters,digits | op read op://Private/'retrievable generated password'/password

I find that overly verbose and complex just to get a short-lived password. There are many situations where you wouldn't want to save a password in 1P from a shell script. In my case, I'm spinning up containers to test with, after which I destroy the container and never need the password again.

There are plenty of other ways to do this with bash/zsh:
- date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo
- openssl rand -base64 32

I'd much prefer a way to do this with the 1Password CLI if at all possible. Something like op generate [options], though the command can be anything.

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