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Forum Discussion
Former Member
3 years agoNeed help with SSH prompting frequency?
Hey folks 👋 we have some news to share with you regarding SSH & improving the prompting frequency that we’ve had reports on. While we’ve released a few improvements (like fixing the consecutive prompts that were piling up) and have more customization options coming soon…we would like your help in continuing to let us know if you’re running into any issues where you are expecting a single prompt and instead are seeing multiple prompts.
If that’s still happening to you, we have created a tool that will allow you to send us diagnostics and help us to fix things once and for all. All you need to do is follow the steps in this guide and submit the diagnostic ZIP to us for investigation.
We really appreciate your excitement with our SSH feature & are so happy to have amazing developers like yourself contributing to making it even better!
- Former Member
I'm not sure if I'm experiencing a bug or expected behaviour. No matter what I change for 'Remember Key Approval' duration, if 1Password locks I need to authorize again. I like to keep my manager locked but I am not nearly as worried about my ssh key and don't want it constantly asking me, especially when my IDE is just checking my git status.
- Former Member
Agree. Why we need an additional locking mechanism for ssh keys I don't understand, stop this approval per reboot/1pw session non-sense.
- wiredhostNew Contributor
+1. the constant prompts were too much - i turned it off.
- Former Member
Prompts should have more information. I'm storing SSH keys, and I am not even sure what is the cause - I am getting prompts to unlock 1Password every few minutes, and it's quite dangerous to unlock it, because I don't know which application request access to 1Password. I suspect that it may be Github Desktop or VSCode, but any additional information in prompt would be very useful.
- Former Member
I can confirm that offending application is Github Desktop ( )
I would feel safer to see what application has requested 1Password authentication. Current issue reminds me the same UX problem with MacOS, where suddenly we get a system dialog to enter password, and you have no idea why (probably, for installing an update). - Former Member
Any roadmap for Q4/Q1 2023 on the ssh support and indeed on fixing this incessant prompting - specifically toggle of "new processes always require approval" - its extremely frustrating and I don't want to buy into a tmux or daemoned ssh client just to work around?
- Former Member
I'm still getting repeated prompts in 2023. Posted details in a yet-to-be-approved post , with SSH-Agent logs attached. Would love to use this, but it's currently too annoying to do so.
- Former Member
Yes, same, be nice to get some confirmation that this fix is in process rather than boilerplate response to thousands of forum requests "great idea, ive added your comments to the internal ticket tracking this" - I have a feeling its JIRA as it seems to be where feature requests go to die...
- floris_1P
1Password Team
Thanks all for your patience and feedback. We've been exploring different options to allow for an authorization model that's more like the standard OpenSSH agent, and we have something for you to try out! If you're interested to take it for a spin, you can find more information in our Developer Slack workspace.
- pbolingNew Contributor
- The latest 1Password was installed for me yesterday, I think, and it has been crashing pretty regularly since then, perhaps a dozen times total.
- The New SSH dialog box is beautiful, and appears to have the exact functionality we want, but it doesn't work. Even if I check the "Approve for all applications" option, which I do everytime it pops up, which is about once every 5 minutes, it continues to pop up.
My setup, which you should be able to pretty easily mimick: I use iTerm2, and ZSH for default shell, with OhMyZSH, with powerline10k, with git plugin enabled, which means that git commands are run every time anything is done on the command line. I have all my git repos checked out with SSH. I generally have as many as a dozen RubyMine projects open at the same time, all with projects checked out via SSH.
In the previous version of 1Password I would come back to my computer after getting a coffee, and there would be a stack of prompts to allow access to SSH, sometimes seemingly endless.
In the new version I no longer have that stacking problem, which is great! But still the frequency only dropped from ludicrous speed to "insane speed".
Please keep working on it! I'm going to keep using it warts and all, but I look forward to more improvements.