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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
2 years ago

Credit card text field not responding to input

This issue involves the Arc browser and the 1Password extension. I’m not sure whether the problem is with Arc, 1Password, or both, so I’m submitting it to Arc and 1Password support.

Here’s the problem: when I’m on the checkout page of a merchant’s store that I’ve purchased from before, my saved credit card info appears, but I’m asked to enter the CCV for verification. When I place my cursor in the box to type the CCV, I see a list of the credit cards I have stored in 1Password. But when I try to type in the box, nothing appears. It does not respond to input. I can select a credit card from the drop-down list, but that’s all.

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: 2.17.1
OS Version: Mac OS 14.1.2
Browser: Arc

  • @switters

    Thanks for the reply. If you turn off the 1Password extension in Arc then do you still see the issue?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Hey @switters,

    I'm sorry for the delayed response.

    Can you point me at the page in your screenshot so I can do some further testing? I'm having a hard time reproducing the behaviour on our test website.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    It was the checkout page on

    I just tried again, and sure enough, I cannot enter text into the CCV field. The rest of my credit card info is saved, but when I place my cursor in the CCV field, I just see the list of my cards saved in 1Password. If I attempt to type anything in the box, I cannot.

  • @switters

    Thank you for the website link. Since I'm located in Canada and I don't have a account, I asked a colleague in the United States to test the same page using Arc and 1Password. They're unable to reproduce the issue and are still able to type into the security code field.

    It's possible that something was changed since the beginning of January. Could you try the following:

    1. Make sure that you're running the latest versions of both Arc and 1Password in the browser.
    2. How to keep 1Password up to date in your browser
    3. Clear Arc's browser cache.
    4. Login to and try to reproduce the issue.

    Let me know if you still see the same behaviour. If you do then are you able to type into the security code field if you temporary turn off 1Password in the browser?


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Hi Dave,

    The 1Password version is 2.19.0.

    I've done these steps and I still have the problem. But it's not just, it's several other sites. I will start keeping a record of them and post back here when I have it.

    Also, I just tested the checkout process using Chrome. I was able to type in the security code. So, it seems to be an issue with Arc and 1Password together. I reached out to their support but never heard back.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    The problem exists even with 1P turned off. This means it's an Arc issue. Thanks for helping me figure it out!

  • Thank you for the update @switters, let us know if there's anything else we can help with at all.