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Former Member's avatar
Former Member
2 years ago

App Login screen not opening in 1PW

Long time user with a basic question that has always bothered me. When opening an app that then asks for a login the 1PW entry for said app doesn't automatically open. For instance, the Milo air purifier app, for some reason often requires me to login again via its iPad app. Each time 1 PW opens the Milo entry isn't auto populated and must be searched. What can I add to the Milo login entry in 1PW so that it is recognized automatically without having to be searched for?

Hope that makes sense. With a web based entry via the browser sure the URL is common between the browser and 1PW entry so it if found but what, if anything can be done with a nonURL entry?

Thanks, tried searching the forum for a while but there are so many darned posts that I gave up and decided just to post a new discussion.

1Password Version: 8.10.18
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Sonoma
Browser: Safari

  • Hello @Ijustinj3! 👋

    Thanks for the question! On the iPhone and iPad, AutoFill is specifically handled by iOS through an Apple feature named iOS Password AutoFill and 1Password only provides the data for the experience. Password AutoFill will match the apps that you use to your login items in 1Password by taking the associated domain associated with an app and comparing it against the website URL in your login items. If there is a match then Password AutoFill will offer to fill your login information.

    If your login item is not being suggested for a particular app then you'll need to add the app's associated domain to your login item in 1Password. When you tap on the username or password field in an app you'll see the Password AutoFill prompt appear (above your keyboard), tap on the prompt and then search for the appropriate login item. Then, tap on that Login Item and tap Fill & Update Login.

    If you don't see Fill & Update Login when you search for and tap on a Login Item then it means that the developer of that app hasn't added an associated domain and there is nothing for Password AutoFill to use to match the app to a Login item in 1Password. This means that you'll need to search for the correct Login item.

    You can also contact the developer of an app to have them add a specific URL as an associated domain for their app so that you don't need to manually add another URL to your login items. Here is Apple's developer page regarding associated domains: Supporting Associated Domains | Apple Developer Documentation

    I hope that helps! 🙂


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks for the quick response Dave. When I think of a domain I think of the part of an URL for example the "milacares" in the attached screenshot example. Correct? I added the Mila app website URL to the shown 1PW entry and tried to login to the app. This resulted in still having to search for the login entry. I honestly do not recall ever seeing the "fill & Update Login" going way back (my memory fails me a bit nowadays).

  • @Ijustinj3

    Thanks for the reply. It sounds like you've corrected added the website domain to the Login item for 1Password but the developers of the Mila Cares app haven't added an associated domain on their end. They'll need to do that first before iOS AutoFill can match the app to your Login item saved in 1Password. This is something that only the developer of the app can do from their end when they publish the app to the Apple App Store.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thank you. I have forwarded the information you have provided to the Mila support team.

  • @Ijustinj3

    Sounds good. If you have any questions in the future then don't hesitate to post, we're here to help. 🙂
