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Forum Discussion

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Former Member
2 years ago

Bug with keyboard/mouse after using 1Password "Quick Access" and macOS Spotlight

OS: macOS 14.0 (Sonoma)
Version: 1Password for Mac 8.10.18 (81018040)

Expected behavior:
Keyboard and mouse clicks work normally after opening Quick Access / Spotlight

Actual Behavior:
I oftentimes mistype the Quick Access Keyboard shortcut (default: cmd + shift + space) as the Spotlight shortcut (default: cmd + space). This leads to the following bug

1) Open any app with text input, e.g. chrome or 1Password.
2) Open Spotlight search, e.g. cmd + space
3) While spotlight search is open, also open 1Password Quick Access e.g. cmd + shift + space
4) The bug is triggered
5) Close Quick Access and Spotlight (esc, esc) and try to type into the app from step 1 (or use the mouse). Behavior:
* single clicks are silently discarded, double clicks sometimes work
* Keyboard input doesn't work (both text fields and shortcuts don't work)
* macOS keyboard shortcuts still work
6) Workaround: open spotlight and close it, open quick access and close it, minimize and restore the app window from step 1, type into a different application from step 1 and go back to the application from step 1.

I realize this is sort of Undefined behavior having both spotlight search and Quick Access open at once. I think the expected behavior should probably be Quick Access should close Spotlight Search (although I'm not sure if there is a supported use case for searching spotlight with something you copy from Quick Access). So at the very least, keyboard/mouse shouldn't be borked after opening both Quick Access and Spotlight which is why I put Expected behavior as merely removing the strong bug and not specifying the spotlight <> quick access window interaction (viz. should both be able to be opened at once?).

1Password Version: 81018040
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 14.0
Browser: Not Provided

  • Hello @streblo! 👋

    Thanks for reporting the issue! I think that I hadn't run into it myself before because I've been using Alfred rather than Spotlight and Alfred seems to close correctly after Quick Access is opened. But I can reproduce the issue using your steps and I agree that this looks like a bug although I'm not sure if it's a bug with 1Password or macOS itself. I've added your findings to an internal work item that our development team has open for the issue.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience and for the late reply.


    ref: dev/core/core#24841