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Forum Discussion
23 days agoContributor
New feature "set expiry alert" - BUT WHERE IS IT?
I have read the new features list (January 21 2025, Mac 8.10.58) but cannot see where this "set expiry alert" option actually is?
• You can now set up expiry alerts for items. In edit mode, select “+add more” > “Date”. After setting the expiry date, select “Set expiry alert” and choose an alert schedule from the dropdown menu.
The new features llst above simply says select “Set expiry alert” – but from WHERE?
It's not under the arrow to show in large type, and the Help drop menu fail to highlight its location?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided
CONCLUSIONS: (after a couple of emails back and forth with Kevin, with thanks!)
1. Old and new items now seem to show the Alert drop-menu when using this new Date field.
2. Per item, you can only have ONE Date Alert. (A feature request exists to allow additional Alerts if the user has several Date fields set and wants them.)
3. Date formats (during both edit and final display) on both the Date field and the Alerts themselves need fixing, as they don't follow the users' system setting. (Much of the world uses either dd/mm/yyyy or – so this is confusing, especially when editing dates.)
[4. There may be an issue with what happens when the actual Alert goes off. This is a separate issue on the thread above. Or see here: New Feature "Expiry date" - Where is the alert?]
Thanks goes to kevin_li for their help in these matters.
- GreyM1P
1Password Team
Hi jimthing
Sorry about the confusion there. We've now corrected a formatting error in the release notes. They now read:
You can now set up expiry alerts for items. In edit mode, select “+add more” > “Date”. After setting the expiry date, select “Set expiry alert” and choose an alert schedule from the dropdown menu.
It'll look like this:
Hope that helps clear things up! :)
— Grey
- jimthingContributor
- What release notes formatting issue... the text is the same?
• You can now set up expiry alerts for items. In edit mode, select “+add more” > “Date”. After setting the expiry date, select “Set expiry alert” and choose an alert schedule from the dropdown menu.yours:
You can now set up expiry alerts for items. In edit mode, select “+add more” > “Date”. After setting the expiry date, select “Set expiry alert” and choose an alert schedule from the dropdown menu.
- The Date field is difficult to type the first two DAY figures. eg. try typing 2 then 0 (for the 20th), it just keeps writing "02" instead.
- The main issue remains; I still don't get this "Set expiry date" drop menu?
non-edit mode:
^somewhere I can't find I set the yyyy.MM.dd format, which only shows correctly after editing.
EDIT: probably follows system setting (General>Languages & Region>Date format)edit mode:
[Using macOS Sonoma 14.7.2]
- jimthingContributor
(* 3. The main issue remains; I still don't get this "Set expiry
datealert" drop menu?) - jimthingContributor
Same issue on latest iOS version too: no "Set expiry alert" drop menu either?
- jimthingContributor
...same issue on latest iPadOS version too (18.2.1): no "Set expiry alert" drop menu either?
- jimthingContributor
Issues with these drop menu's, seemingly?:
- 1P_Dave
I'm sorry for the delay in replying. Are you still unable to see the Set Expiry Alert option in the 1Password for Mac app? If you have 1Password installed on any of your other devices then do you see the option there?
somewhere I can't find I set the yyyy.MM.dd format, which only shows correctly after editing.
EDIT: probably follows system setting (General>Languages & Region>Date format)It sounds like you're running into a known issue where 1Password can run into issues with the date format. 1Password should respect the date format set for macOS but that sometimes doesn't happen. Can you post a screenshot of your settings in the following place: macOS Settings > General > Languages & Region
I look forward to hearing from you.
- jimthingContributor
1P_Dave - Thanks for replying after the weekend.
This whole Date field is acting strange or wrongly, and is buggy is several ways.
Firstly, my bug point 2 above still remains on macOS version:
- The Date field is difficult to type the first two DAY figures. eg. try typing 2 then 0 (for the 20th), it just keeps writing "02" instead.
This is worse on iOS/iPadOS as you simply cannot type in numbers here at all, unless I'm missing something, as you're forced to use the calendar to click through month by month. So if your date is way-off years in the future you're forced to tap the next month chevron (">") about 20+ times until you reach the month with the date you need. Bad design, IMHO.
Main problems re. Date Alerts:
A. Setting the actual date alerts:
I have only managed to get this to work once over the weekend, and that was on in macOS only, never on iOS/iPadOS. So there is clearly a bug in the alerts drop-menu appearing and working.
B. Date format discrepancies on these date alerts:
I'm in UK, so our normal standard is dd MM yyyy, eg. 21 August 2027. I personally prefer dates to display on all my OS's as (2027.08.21) date format, set in system settings (General>Languages & Region>Date format) on all devices.
However, while I have set there, the date alerts in 1Password apps on my macOS show as MM dd, yyyy (eg. August 21, 2027), while iOS/iPadOS they show differently again as dd MM yyyy (21 August 2027).
My settings (macOS; same on iOS/iPadOS):
Are my points A+B issues both bugs? Presumably point 2 is a bug on macOS, but just designed without keyboard entry on iOS/iPadOS at the moment?
If you could answer all three questions (2, A, and B), please. Thanks in advance.
- jimthingContributor
...oh well, see you on the 4th Feb then, i guess.
- jimthingContributor
Back again on the other side!
Well the issues are still there with this new feature, I'm afraid. See previous posts from a week ago above with screenshots showing the issues.
The date formatting issues persist in edit mode and final display mode (in edit mode, entry flips from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy for example?!).
And AFAICT, the Date Expiry drop-menu failing to appear is worse on current login items rather than when setting up a new login item. Which isn't going to be good for users who potentially have hundreds of items stored before said feature arrived.
Thoughts please?