Signing back into the Community for the first time? You'll need to reset your password to access your account.  Find out more.

Knowledge Base Article

Create an account

To unlock the full benefits of the 1Password Community, you need to create an account.

  1. Navigate to in your browser
  2. Click “Register” in the top-right corner of the page.
  1. Enter your email and username and generate a strong, unique password (we recommend saving it in 1Password!).
  2. Select your 1Password account type and role to tailor your experience in the community.

Once registered, you can post discussions, reply to others, join groups, and explore exclusive areas of the Community!


  • You must validate the email address to have your community account fully registered. Until you validate the email address via the link provided in the confirmation email, you are only partially registered.
Updated 9 days ago
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