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Forum Discussion

xox's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago

How do I search for the word "Wi-Fi"?

In 1Password 8, searching for "Wi-Fi" returns any result that contains "wi" or "fi", even if they are just part of a word.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided

  • Hello xox! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're running into trouble while searching for a specific term. The cause of the issue here is likely a known issue in 1Password's Search tool that our developers are investigating. A search term with a symbol in it (such as a dash) will erroneously be broken up into components and then 1Password will display results for each component rather than for the search term as a whole. Our developers are looking into this and I've added your report to our internal work item for the issue.

    While we wait for a fix there are a couple workarounds that I can suggest:

    1. You can use the Find tool rather than the Search tool to look for the items in question. The Find tool doesn't have the same bug with symbols that the Search tool currently has but it searches through fewer fields and through a specific vault/category only. You can access the Find tool by clicking on the following button above the list of the items that you'd like to search:

    1. Rename the items to remove the symbol. For example use WiFi instead of Wi-Fi. I know that this isn't a great workaround since the proper name is "Wi-Fi" but I'm mentioning it in case it helps.

    Hopefully the issue can be permanently fixed in a future update soon.


    ref: dev/core/core#17472

  • xox's avatar
    New Contributor

    Good to know about the Find tool, thank you. But since it seems to search titles only, it's not that useful for me. I'd need to look through titles + notes fields at least (but ideally all fields).

    Instead of renaming items, I've been adding a note like "keyword: wifi, router" which is an even better approach in my opinion (for anyone else reading this with a similar issue).

    But yea, ideally, 1Password should be able to search for words like "Wi-Fi" one day, that'd be very handy.

    Thanks again

  • Thanks for sharing your personal workaround with the community. Hopefully this can be fixed in a future update soon.
